Hello everyone. This group is open to everyone who is raising their children with no financial assistance from the other parent. We are both affected by the dead beat syndrome. Our goal to to help people by sharing stories, and providing useful information.
Email: nursesden@hotmail.com

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welcome Everyone....

First of all,  Lisa and I would like to welcome all of you.  We decided to start off with a blog because we wanted to get to know all people that are in our situation,  and we would like all of you to share your stories with everyone that is here.  We have lots of ideas for our blog.  First of all we would like to get to know everyone who decides to join and share their stories with us.  We will also have a spot on a radio show hopefully starting in Sept, depending how crazy our schooling is.  Later we will have draws,  gift baskets etc, because we know how it is to raise kids all on our own. Our mission is just to help people like ourselves, even if it is just a little bit for now.  We have awesome ideas coming soon!! As our blog grows we will be implementing all of our ideas into this blog,  which will eventually turn into a awesome website!!  We will be putting together a petition for all to sign, if they chose, we believe more has to be done in this situation. I have been raising my kids for 5 years on my own,  with absolutely no financial support at all!!  How can this be anyways??  It never made sense to me.  We want to hear from all of you,  your stories,  your ideas etc.....So welcome to all!!  We hope this helps,  even just a little!!

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